Monday, September 6, 2010


Spread the word! Tell your neighbors, your Gramma & start packing the picnic basket! Iowa City's Carnival Hearts & Arts Collective is putting on its second outdoor-arts event on Sunday, September 12th in Happy Hollow Park, 1 pm - 7 pm.

MANY big bear hugs to all of the devoted folks who helped to make May 30th's Carnival Hearts & Arts Parade a lovely success. Now we are extremely stoked to do this thing again amidst Iowa's pretty autumn-time, with over 40 participants. The afternoon of September 12th will feature a diverse representation of the artistic & musical creativity that goes down in our community all year-round, in every nook & cranny. And this time, with a brand new medium....the written word!

Several remarkably passionate, awesome Iowa City writers have offered their presence in Sept 12th's CHAP. These folks are fearless with their words. Each having their own unique existence in Iowa City, we will have the pleasure of listening to their readings throughout the afternoon!

Check these literary gems out!

Brett Brinkmeyer

Brett Brinkmeyer is a 30 year-old student at the University of Iowa. He was born in Iowa and has lived in Ames for most of his life. The aim of his art is to share moments of enlightenment and peace. Brett is currently working on a project that looks to the movement of lines in order to shed light on definitions of both form and sources of agency. He will have copies of the first part of his project available at the Parade.

Melissa Ginsburg

Melissa Ginsburg is author of the chapbook Arbor (New Michigan Press)
and the book of poems, Dear Weather Ghost, forthcoming from Four Way
Books. Her poems have appeared in Seneca Review, Field, Pleiades,
Forklift Ohio, and other magazines. She lives in Iowa City.

Mary Hickman

Mary Hickman grew up in China as the daughter of Bible-smuggling missionaries. A graduate of the Iowa Writers’ Workshop, she lives in Iowa City where she runs Cosa Nostra Editions and makes artist books with the Center for the Book. Her chapbook How to be Healthy and Heal was printed in a limited run letterpress edition. Projective Industries released her second chapbook, Ecce Animot, last spring.

Nick Twemlow

Nick Twemlow is the author of the chapbook Your Mouth is Everywhere (Racquetball Tournament Press). He co-edits Canarium Books, and is poetry editor of The Iowa Review. He studies film and video production in the MFA program at the University of Iowa. He misses his old cat, Sock Puppet, who now lives on a farm outside of town.

Yale Cohn of Little Village Magazine

Yale Cohn loves writing about living Iowa City but he loves living in Iowa City even more. Somewhere between the high-minded, ivory tower, academic navel gazing and beer swilling, sidewalk puking, college girl boob flashing is the true character of this town and most of the time it’s pretty damn amusing to him.

Enjoy! Check back soon for expert instructions on picnic-packing.


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